a simple TODO list scheduler
-Earliest Deadline First
- input of TODO items with deadline
- sorting of TODO items in deadline order
- statistics view: successful rate of delayed items v.s. in time items
- e-mail TODO items
- export to calendar app.
Things the EDF app can not do:
- sharing items with somebody
- tweet of items
How to Use:
Main screen
- display of TODO items in deadline order
- User should do the earliest deadline task.
- orange background color for items which expired
- yellow background color for items to expire in 24h
- "+"button for adding items in Edit Screen
- delete item by swipe action
Edit screen
- item name input
- deadline date/time input
Expired items
- Notification (optional. ON/OFF in iOS setting screen)
- Auto remove ( optional. ON/OFF in iOS setting screen)
History screen for deleted (done) items
- e-mail the items
- all clear button
iOS setting screen for EDF
- Notification activation
- Export to Calendar app. activation (period is set to 30min.)
- 締め切りつきのTODO項目の入力
- 締め切り順のTODO項目の並び替え
- 間に合ったTODO項目の割合を表示
- TODO項目のeメール機能
- カレンダーアプリへの出力機能
- TODO項目の共有
- TODO項目のツイート